Five Health Benefits You Get, If You Sleep on Your Left Side

Sleep has been considered the cornerstone of good health. During sleep, your body goes into a ‘repair state’ where the work of removing dead cells, digestion of food, and flushing out toxins from the body is done. In Ayurveda, the process of sleeping on the left side is known as Vamkukshi.
While good sleep is essential for us, it is equally important how we sleep. Therefore, here are 5 unique benefits of sleeping on the left side.
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Sleeping on your Left Helps in Proper Digestion of Meals
When we sleep on the left side, our stomach and intestines are in their natural position. Due to which it helps in digesting all types of digestive juices and elements together with food in a better way. Along with this, it also balances the gallbladder, so that it controls the amount of acid secretion in the stomach so that food can be digested properly.
Strengthens our Immune System
The strong lymphatic system of our body helps the whole body to fight germs and infections. It is an important part of the immune system. Therefore, along with the cleanliness of the lymphatic fluid, its proper flow throughout the body is also necessary. Its cleanliness is better when we sleep on the left side. Therefore, sleeping on the left side helps in cleaning our lymphatic fluid so that our immune system is also better.
Helps in Blood Purification
When you sleep on your left side, your blood flow is better to the kidneys, where the blood is purified. By sleeping on the left side, the toxic elements of the body are easily removed. Therefore, only by sleeping on the left side, you can easily flush out the toxins from the body.
Protect From the Harmful Effects of Acids
If you have to get up frequently during the night due to the reverse effect of acids when stomach acid frequently flows back into the tube connecting your mouth and stomach (esophagus), then you should start sleeping on the left side. Your problem will end immediately. It has also been revealed in research that for Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) patients, sleeping on the left side is more beneficial than sleeping on the right side.
Helps in Producing More Energy
If your liver, gallbladder, and intestines function properly, then it helps us to digest our food properly and store the nutrients in our body, so that there is more communication of energy in the body. Another advantage of sleeping on the left side is that it does not cause the reverse flow of acid elements in the body, due to which we get good sleep during the night time and we do not have to get up again and again.
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