Top Ayurvedic Diets That Will Help You Beat the Summer Season

Every person has a special nature inside which is defined by three defects: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These defects are affected by many things, one of which is the season. The summer season is hot, it makes our skin oily. In summer, food spoils quickly and they also start giving off a pungent odor. It is worth noting that all these things are included in the Pitta Dosha (Bile Defect).
To keep the body, cool in summer, one should take a diet that balances the Pitta Dosha (Bile Defect). Here are 10 diets that will help you beat the summer season.
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1. Coconut
Coconut soothes Pitta. According to Ayurveda, Rasa i.e., taste before digestion, and Vipaka i.e., taste after digestion are both sweet. It cools the body. It is different as it is heavy and people with poor digestion should consume less of it. Coconut water is a healthier drink than carbonated drinks. It contains fat, potassium, and essential electrolytes. In summer when you sweat a lot, your body loses electrolytes, at that time by consuming coconut water you can get back the electrolytes and save the body from dehydration. Coconut water is a part of the Panchakarma diet in the Panchakarma healing of purification.
2. Watermelons
This bright pink and juicy fruit belonging to the cucumber family has been grown since the time of the Indus Valley Civilization. Eating watermelon gives a feeling of coolness to the body. You can take it directly by cutting it or by extracting its juice from the juicer. It is a good source of antioxidants, it contains 90 percent water, as well as electrolytes. Watermelon is a natural diuretic, it keeps the liver and kidneys healthy.
3. Cucumbers
In Ayurveda, cucumber is also sometimes called Sushitala which means naturally cold, it is beneficial for patients who have urinary problems or feel more thirsty. Incorporating cucumber into your diet will make you feel cool in summer. You can also prepare a delicious cucumber drink for yourself, you can put some mint leaves in its juice. Squeeze half a lemon in this juice and add a pinch of salt. Cucumber is considered to balance Pitta Dosha.
4. Lemons
There is a big reason why people drink lemonade in summer. It is a natural antiperspirant and it also easily removes sweat from the skin which cools your body. Ayurveda believes that it has the properties of improving digestion as well as it reduces Ama (toxin or undigested metabolic waste) and it also refreshes the mouth. It lowers the risk of heart attack by lowering cholesterol. Lemon is used in the Ayurvedic cleansing process to remove toxins from the body.
5. Sprouted Mung Beans
Moong dal can be eaten sprouted or cooked. Both have a cooling effect inside and it balances the Pitta Dosha. Yellow mung bean is easy to digest and can be eaten daily. Sprouted mung bean is also a cool snack in summer and is rich in nutrition.
6. Buttermilk
Buttermilk has a cooling effect, it improves digestion, helps in the digestion of ama, facilitates bowel movements, and soothes Pitta Dosha. To prepare buttermilk, take one part of fresh curd, it would be better if it is a curd made from cow’s milk, now add three cups of water into one cup of curd. Put it in a mixer and stir for a while. If butter accumulates on top, remove it. Add roasted cumin seeds, a pinch of black salt or common salt, and a little coriander powder. You can also mix a little green coriander or mint paste in it. If you do not want to mix these spices in buttermilk, you can drink it plain.
7. Flax seeds
Flaxseed has a cooling effect and can be consumed at any time of the day in summer. Soak linseed in water for a while then chew well before swallowing. You can also grind linseed in a grinder before chewing. Flax seeds are beneficial in constipation, obesity, and high blood pressure. Women should not consume linseed during menstruation.
8. Ghee
According to Ayurveda, the effect of ghee is soothing for the body and mind. Consumption of the right amount of ghee nourishes the whole body. Ghee soothes Pitta Dosha, so ghee should be consumed before or at mealtime. Keep in mind that after consuming ghee, do not eat or drink anything cold like ice cream or cold water. During meals, one should drink lukewarm water.
9. Peppermint
In Ayurveda, mint is used to heal respiratory problems, nausea, headaches, and digestive problems. It is mostly used in summer drinks as it has natural cooling properties which balance the Pitta Dosha. Peppermint is also beneficial for mouth problems. Mix mint in your fresh fruit juice or eat it by making its chutney. It is recommended to drink mint tea in the purifying system of Ayurveda to remove toxic elements from the body.
10. Neem Leaves
Most astringent things are considered beneficial in balancing the pitta dosha. Neem leaves have cooling properties that purify the blood. Neem leaves improve the functioning of the liver, and pancreas and normalize blood sugar levels.
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