Hair Care Tips For Low Porosity Hair

Do you fantasize about getting those long and healthy locks and plush hair? Frizz-free, straight, and healthy hair is something that every girl dreams of. We invest so much in hair styling products and equipment to get that naturally bouncy and healthy-looking great hair. But at the same time, you need to be aware of your hair type. You ought to be aware and figure out whether you have low porosity or high porosity hair. This decides how you ought to really focus on your hair.
Table of Contents
What Is Low Porosity Hair?
The sign of Low porosity hair is that it is not very absorbent which means it doesn’t readily absorb water. It might be possible that your hair may be having low porosity if it takes a longer time to wet and dry. If you use any hair care products they may stay on the surface of your hair rather than being absorbed.
The porosity of your hair impacts how effectively dampness can pass all through the cuticles – the furthest layer of your hair. Assuming you have high porosity hair, the cuticles are broadly separated. Then again, assuming you have fine low porosity hair, the cuticles are near one another.
Continue to peruse to figure out how you can lead a hair porosity test, and how to care low porosity hair.
Before we comprehend what low porosity hair is, we should investigate the hair and its design. Hair is made out of three layers – the cuticles, the cortex, and the medulla.
- The cuticles are the peripheral defensive layer of the hair. It is made out of covering cells.
- The cortex is the body and shade of your hair. It comprises proteins and keratin fibers.
- The medulla shapes the deepest layer of the hair. It comprises a thin core of cells and air spaces.
At the point when you have low porosity hair, the cuticles are stuffed densely without any in the middle between, which makes it hard for water, oils, or conditioner particles to enter inside. So, the hair can’t hold dampness.
Then again, when the hair is highly porous, there is a wide space between the cuticles. In this way, water and other item particles can undoubtedly enter the hair and hydrate it.
The cuticles decide hair porosity. If the “scales” are exceptionally smooth and have not many holes, less water can infiltrate the more profound layers, and less water can get away. This implies that the hair is less permeable.
If there are holes between the scales, more dampness can traverse. An individual might have common or high porosity hair, contingent upon how much water can enter through the external layer.
If an individual knows how permeable their hair is, it can assist with showing why their hair acts the manner in which it really does and how best to deal with it.
Low Porosity Hair Characteristics
You can likely let me know if you have low porosity characteristics by simply focusing on what it looks like and acts:-
- There is no or less moisture
- Can accumulate build-ups
- Dry ends
- It requires a long time to get completely wet in the shower
- It requires a long time to air dry

Step-By-Step Instructions to Care for Low Porosity Hair
Despite the fact that it tends to be extreme for your normally low porosity hair to get dampness, it is conceivable. With the right items in your hair care schedule, you can accomplish your best hair yet. The main objective of a low porosity hair care routine is to expand your hair’s capacity to hold dampness so it’s more grounded, shinier, better, and can develop longer.
How to Tell If You Have Low Porosity Hair?
When you wash your hair, do you find that water atoms roll up to frame globules and afterward roll down your hair as opposed to getting ingested? The most well-known trait of low porosity hair is finding it challenging to wet your hair.
The following are three strategies to decide if you have low porosity hair:
1. Sink or Float Test
You will require a couple of hair strands that have been shed normally and some water at room temperature. Presently, take the hair strands and drop them in the water. Assuming that you see the strands sink, it implies the porosity is high on the grounds that profoundly permeable hair will retain more water, become stacked, and sink.
If the hair has low porosity, no water atom will actually want to enter, making it water-safe. Thus, the hair will drift on top. If the hair is some in the middle between, the hair has medium porosity and is great at holding dampness.
2. Shower Bottle Test
This is a simple method for seeing whether you have low porosity hair. Take a piece of your hair and shower it with water. Assuming you see the water drops dab up and move down after some time, you realize that you have low porosity hair.
3. Slide Test
You can likewise do a slide test to decide your hair’s porosity. Take a strand of hair and slide your fingers up the shaft towards your scalp. Assuming you track down a few in the middle between, you can presume that you have high porosity hair.
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Top Hair Care Tips for Low Porosity hair:
1. Use Lightweight Oils
Since the hair cuticles on low porosity hair in many cases firmly shut, it’s crucial to utilize lightweight items that can move beyond the cuticles and sustain your hair. Hair oil, a fundamental piece of the L.O.C. hair technique, can do this skillfully. Lighter-weight oils, for example, almond oil and argan oil are perfect to use on hair with low porosity since they can infiltrate past the tight cuticles and get further into the hair center.
2. Use Heat When Deep Conditioning
Heat is an integral asset for opening up the hair’s cuticles, which is key for those with less permeable hair. Before you profound condition your hair, you want your hair cuticles to be available to receive the rewards.
3. Steam your Hair
Steam is one more viable method for applying intensity to your hair and opening up the cuticles. At the point when you steam hair, the cuticles open, permitting dampness to infiltrate the hair strands’ center.
Steam is not normal for different types of water and intensity. At the point when water particles are in fume structure, they are moving more rapidly than fluid water particles and can enter your hair all the more effective way as they are with steam.
Use steam when you utilize any molding or styling items to open the cuticles and assist the item with getting to the center of the hair and doing something amazing.
In the end, always remember to not use too much heating on your hair. Avoid styling your hair too often. This will save your hair to a great extent.
Bottom Line
It may take some time and effort but taking care of your porosity is not so complicated. And remember, it’s very normal to have any one type of porosity (High, Medium, Low) so think more about an overall approach to your hair.
Disclaimer: This article is only written for basic and general informational purposes only. The Statements contained here have not been evaluated by the FDA and neither the efficacy of these products has been confirmed by FDA-approved research. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. There’s no guarantee of specific results and the results can vary. Users must not view the content as medical advice in any way. Users are also required to ’NOT SELF-MEDICATE’ and always consult your health care professional before taking any medicines or undergoing any treatment. DivyaAyushCare and the author will not be responsible for any act or omission by the User arising from the User’s interpretation of the content.