All about PCOD

PCOD and PCOS have become common for women aged above thirty years. If you are wondering about PCOD full form or PCOD symptoms then we have got you covered. PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) is a medical condition in which a large number of immature or partially immature eggs develop from a woman’s uterus and eventually develop into cysts in the uterus. It causes the ovaries to enlarge and secrete high levels of male hormones (androgens) which can lead to infertility, irregular menstruation, hair loss, and abnormal weight gain. Scroll down below to know more about PCOS, PCOD problem symptoms, and the causes of PCOS.
The primary signs and symptoms of PCOD usually develop during adolescence during the first menstrual cycle. PCOD can develop after years of weight gain.
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Here are the different symptoms of PCOD.
There are some common symptoms
- Increased androgen levels: Excess male sex hormones can cause various physical manifestations such as excessive hair on the face and body and male-pattern baldness.
- Irregular menstruation: You may notice irregular menstruation or delayed menstruation due to abnormalities in egg maturation.
- Hair loss or hair loss: This symptom is due to the increased production of male hormones in the body.
- Acne on the skin is another indication of polycystic ovaries
- Weight gain
Some women may be confused as to whether PCOD and PCOS are the same or different from each other. Both clinical conditions are associated with uterine and hormonal imbalances in women of reproductive age (12 to 51 years) and show similar symptoms.
PCOD and PCOS may sound similar to many but they are different. Let’s be more knowledgeable about the differences:
- PCOD is a common disease that affects more than 10% of women worldwide. PCOS is a serious medical condition worldwide that affects 0.2% to 2.5% of the amount.
- PCOD is a condition in which many immature or partially mature eggs develop due to poor lifestyle, obesity, stress, and hormonal imbalances. PCOS is a metabolic disorder and the most severe form of PCOD can lead to ovulation when the ovaries stop laying eggs.
- PCOD does not cause any serious problems. PCOS has serious complications such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and late endometrial cancer.
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which the ovaries produce abnormal amounts of androgens, which are generally low in male sex hormones in women.
Symptoms of PCOS include:
- Missed menstruation, irregular period, or very mild period
- Ovaries with large or many cysts
- Excess body hair on the chest, abdomen, and back (Hirsutism)
- Weight gain, especially around the abdomen
- Acne or oily skin
- Male shaped bald or thin hair
- Infertility
- Extra skin patches on the neck or armpits (skin tags)
- Dark or dense skin spots on the back of the neck, armpits, and under the breasts
What causes PCOS?
The exact cause of PCOS is not clear. Many women with PCOS are resistant to insulin. That is, the body cannot use insulin properly. The body produces insulin levels, which increase androgen levels.
PCOS can also run in genes and hence women from the same families usually get affected by PCOD
The above article will make you more knowledgeable about PCOS and PCOD. Both PCOD and PCOS affect women who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Thus stop being a couch potato and maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep PCOS and PCOD at a bay
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